What is the future of business?
The climate is warming and ecosystems are crumbling. And we see, hear, feel and experience the effects. We are part of the thin layer of ecosystems, living in them and our survival is dependent on them.
Our perspective of the world is changing. We have to learn how to lead and design businesses as the world needs, that include both planetary boundaries and human well-being in their foundations.
The Doughnut approach envisions a world that meets the needs of all people within the means of the living planet. It’s a world that is regenerative, rather than degenerative. And it is far more distributive of value and opportunity than today’s economy.
For Future: Doughnut design for business event focused on the transition of the deep design of businesses, so that they can become regenerative and distributive in their core operations.
The event was facilitated by Valtteri Aaltonen and Jälleenrakentajat co-op, who are experts in Doughnut Economics.
Minna Halme, professor of Sustainability Management at Aalto University School of Business, joined the workshop as a mentor.
Part 1: the talk Doughnut design for business introduced the framework and approach and formed the mental state for the day.
Part 2: the Doughnut design for business workshop aimed to empower change makers to hands-on explore what the doughnut approach would mean in their business, and introduce the steps how to design a business that is compatible with the world and life in it.
Valtteri Aaltonen is internationally awarded researcher specialized in sustainable and responsible organisations. He is finalizing his PhD on this subject at the University of Jyväskylä. As an activist Aaltonen is known as a friend of ducks and for starting the Finnish doughnut economy discussions. In Jälleenrakentajat co-op his responsibility is to coordinate the Doughnut Design for Business workshops.
Minna Halme is professor of Sustainability Management at Aalto University School of Business. Her research focuses on sustainability innovations, co-creation of sustainable business models and societal impacts of CSR. She has a seat in multiple advisory boards such as Finland’s national Sustainable Development Expert Panel.
We invited senior business leaders, strategists, change makers and business designers to join us into the first Doughnut design for business event to learn about the science of planetary boundaries and the current polycrisis, and to explore the future of impactful business thinking and actions that matter.