Do you want to lead and co-create more regenerative future for people and the planet? Do you want to lead towards positive long-term societal transitions?
On the 5th of June, Strategy for future hosted an event focusing on the theme of Leading Transitions.
In the event, Zeynep Falay von Flittner, founder of Falay Transition Design Collective, facilitated a training that helps cultivate our agency for building more just and sustainable futures.
Participants learned the principles and tools of making and creating transitions, and were introduced to theories of systems thinking, sustainability, and futures, complemented by practical reflection and exercises on how to can apply transition design in their company’s and work context.
The event consisted of Theoretical part about Transition Design and Practical part where the participants applied the theory in practice and builded connections with other participants to increase the collective agency.
Zeynep Falay von Flittner is an experienced design leader, entrepreneur, and public speaker focusing on the role of creative and design practices in sustainability transitions. She combines systems thinking, foresight, and human-centric design to develop new methods and approaches to support companies and networks and build new capabilities around sustainability transitions. She is the founder of Falay Design, and a member of System Change Finland.
For more information, check the Open-source Falay Transition Design toolkit: https://www.falaydesign.com/news-events/transition-design-toolbox-future-toolkit
We aim to organise other more exclusive events in Autumn with more detailed working sessions for individual companies needs.
Contacts us for more information.